Levett, J. and Pring, T. (2023) “Amateur Choir Singers – does good vocal health matter?,” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12863.

Jo Levett is a Kent-based community paediatric speech and language therapist specialising in supporting children with severe and profound hearing loss, and voice disorders.

An enthusiastic amateur singer all her life, Jo completed her Post-Graduate Certificate in Voice Pedagogy with The Voice Study Centre in 2020, achieving a distinction.

She was thrilled to present her research at the British Voice Association’s Choice for Voice Conference in 2021.

Keen to take her Voice Pedagogy research further, Jo collaborated with Dr. Tim Pring, and their research ‘Amateur choir singers – Does good vocal health matter?’ has recently been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.

Jo's PGCert Voice Pedagogy research focused on amateur choir singers.