Research interests: As the human voice is the primary sound source for speech, song, and the expression of emotions, Michel's research interests connect with much of the breadth of communicative behaviour. Indicative areas include singing, vocal imitation, stammering/stuttering, speech prosody, vocal attractiveness, cues to deception, ASMR, and misophonia.
Accepting mentees: Yes (1)
I study the human voice, all the things that it says, and how it is able to say them.
My research works to uncover the neural adaptations that make humans able to speak, with a particular focus on the neural control of the voice. I have found it useful to take a comparative approach to study how the human brain, and the behaviours that it enables, differs from what has been observed in other species. Likewise I have a growing interest in how individual differences in neurobiology can drive speech differences, such as stammering.
My research involves a combination of imaging (fMRI, qMRI, vocal tract MRI), meta-analysis, brain stimulation (TMS), secondary data analysis (e.g., large cohort studies), acoustical analysis of recorded audio, and perceptual playback studies. Across all areas I am particularly interested in developing innovative data analysis strategies that open up new lines of inquiry.
Ph.D. Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster University, Canada
Belyk, M., & Kotz, S. A. (2025). The right sound at the right time: Cerebellar and ventral striatal involvement in imitating pitch and timing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 74, 101243.
Johnson, J.F., Schwartze, M., Belyk, M., Pinheiro, A.P., Kotz, S.A. (2024) Variability in white matter structure relations to hallucination proneness. Neuroimage: Clinical, 103634.
Belyk, M., Carignan, C., McGettigan, C. (2024). An open-source toolbox for measuring vocal tract shape from real-time magnetic resonance images. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 2623-2635.
Patel, B., Zhang, Z., McGettigan, C., & Belyk, M. (2023). Speech with pauses sounds deceptive to listeners with and without hearing impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(10), 3735-3744.
Belyk, M., McGettigan, C. (2022). Real-time magnetic resonance imaging reveals distinct vocal tract configurations during spontaneous and volitional laughter. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1863), 20210511.
Bono, D., Belyk,. M., Longo, M.R., Dick, F. (2022). Beyond language: The unspoken sensory-motor representations of the tongue in non-primates, non-human and human primates. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 139, 104730.
Johnson, J.F., Belyk, M., Schwartze. M., Pinheiro, A.P., Kotz, S.A. (2022). Hypersensitivity to passive voice hearing in hallucination proneness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 859731.
Duggirala, S.X., Belyk, M., Schwartze, M., Kanske, P., Kotz, S.A. (2022). Emotional salience but not valence impacts anterior cingulate cortex conflict processing. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22, 1250-1263.
Belyk, M., Waters, S., Kanber, E., Miquel, E.M., McGettigan, C. (2022). Individual differences in vocal size exaggeration. Scientific Reports, 12, 2611.
Zhang, Z., McGettigan, C., Belyk, M. (2022). Speech timing cues reveal deceptive speech in social deduction board games. PLoS ONE, 17(2), e0263852.
Belyk, M., Eichert, N., McGettigan, C. A dual larynx motor networks hypothesis. (2021). A dual larynx motor networks hypothesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376, 20200392.
Waters, S., Kanber, Lavan, N., Belyk, M., Carey, D., Cartei, V. Lally, C., Miquel M., McGettigan, C. (2021). Singers show enhanced performance and neural representation of vocal imitation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376, 20200399.
Belyk, M., Banks, R., Tendera, A., Chen, R., Beal D.S. (2021). Paradoxical facilitation alongside interhemispheric inhibition. Experimental Brain Research, 239, 3303-3313
Belyk, M., Brown, R., Beal, D.S., Roebroeck, A., McGettigan, C., Guldner, S., Kotz, S. (2021). Human specific neurophenotype integrates laryngeal and respiratory components of voice motor control. Neuroimage, 239, 118326.
Johnson, J., Belyk, M., Schwartze, M., Pinheiro, A., Kotz, S. (2021). Expectancy changes the self-monitoring of voice identity. European Journal of Neuroscience, 53, 2681-2695.
Brown, S., Yuan, Y., Belyk, M. (2021). Evolution of the speech-ready brain : The voice/jaw connection in the human motor cortex. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 529, 1018-1028.
Tendera, A., Wells, R., Belyk, M., Varyvoda, D., Boliek, C. & Beal, D. S. (2020). Motor sequence learning in children with recovered and persistent developmental stuttering : preliminary findings. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 66, 105800.
Brown, S., Howe, M. & Belyk, M. (2020). Music enhances empathic engagement with characters in films. Music and Arts in Action, 7, 3-16.
Belyk, M., Schultz, B.G., Correia, J., Beal, D.S. & Kotz, S.A. (2019). Whistling shares a common tongue with speech: Bioacoustics from real-time MRI of the human vocal tract. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286, 20191116.
Johnson J. F., Belyk, M., Schwartze, M., Pinheiro, A.P. & Kotz, S.A. (2019). The role of the cerebellum in adaptation: ALE meta-analyses on sensory feedback error. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 3966-3981.
Belyk, M., Murphy, B.K. & Beal, D.S. (2019). Accessory to dissipate heat from transcranial magnetic stimulation coils. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 314, 28-30.
Belyk, M., Lee, Y.S. & Brown, S. (2018). How is pitch regulated by the human motor cortex? Royal Society Open Science, 5, 172208.
Belyk, M., Johnson, J.F. & Kotz, S.A. (2018). Poor tuning of the human larynx: Comparison of sung and whistled pitch imitation. Royal Society Open Science, 5, 171544.
Chauvigné, L., Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2018). Taking two to tango: fMRI analysis of improvised joint action with physical contact. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0191098.
Belyk, M., Brown, S., Lim, J. & Kotz, S.A. (2017). Convergence of semantics and emotional expression within the IFG pars orbitalis. Neuroimage, 156, 240-248.
Belyk, M., Brown, S. & Kotz, S.A. (2017). Demonstration and validation of kernel density estimation for spatial meta-analyses of neuroimaging data. Data in Brief, 13, 346-352.
Chauvigné, L., Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2017). Responding to force cues during joint action engages MT+/V5. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 16, 307-318.
Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2017). The origins of the vocal brain in humans. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 77, 177-193.
Belyk, M., Kraft, S.J. & Brown, S. (2017). Stuttering as a trait or a state revisited: Motor system involvement in persistent developmental stuttering. European Journal of Neuroscience, 45, 622-624.
Bonin, T.L., Trainor, J.L., Belyk, M. & Andrews, P. (2016). The source dilemma hypothesis: Perceptual uncertainty contributes to musical emotion. Cognition, 154, 174-181.
Belyk, M., Pfordresher, P.Q., Liotti, M. & Brown, S. (2016). The neural basis of vocal pitch imitation in humans. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28, 621-635.
Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2016). Pitch underlies activation of the vocal system during affective vocalization. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, 1078-1088.
Belyk, M., Kraft, S.J. & Brown, S. (2015). PlexinA polymorphisms mediate the developmental trajectory of human corpus callosum microstructure. Journal of Human Genetics, 60, 147-150.
Belyk, M., Kraft, S.J. & Brown, S. (2015). Stuttering as a trait or state – an ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 275-284.
Chow, I., Belyk, M., Tran, V. & Brown, S. (2014). Syllable synchronization and the P-center in Cantonese. Journal of Phonetics, 49, 55-66.
Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2014). Somatotopy of the extrinsic laryngeal muscles in the human sensorimotor cortex. Behavioural Brain Research, 270, 364-371.
Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2014). The acoustic correlates of valence depend on emotion family. Journal of Voice, 28(4), 523e9-523e18.
Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2014). Perception of affective and linguistic prosody: An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 1395-1403.
Pfordresher, P.Q., Brown, S., Meier, K.M., Belyk, M. & Liotti, M. (2010). Imprecise singing is widespread. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4), 2182-2190.