Current Vacancies
Posted 7th February 2025
Freelance Job Opportunity
We are looking for someone to develop a Presentation and Public Speaking course designed for trainers looking to upskill and gain valuable professional development credentials. Please submit a pitch and a fee for the course.
What we are looking for:
As a guideline, we would like the syllabus to consist of the following. There is flexibility with the syllabus, and it can be expanded appropriately to suit your teaching style. The Voice Study Centre specialises in online provision for voice professionals. Please bear this in mind when you submit your pitch. We are looking for a trainer to train a trainer rather than someone who is looking to improve their presentation skills:
- Provide a trainer with resources and ideas on how to develop and structure compelling presentations and speeches.
- Provide a trainer with vocal warm-up knowledge and a range of vocal warm-ups
- Provide a trainer with applied skills relating to vocal delivery techniques, including projection, voice quality, pace, and tone. The trainer will need to understand the rationale and draw on a range of exercises to use.
- Facilitate the understanding of and provide strategies to enhance stage presence and body language to convey confidence and credibility.
- Provide an understanding and techniques to manage performance anxiety and build self-assurance.
- Provide knowledge and resources to manage vocal hygiene.
Time frame
We envisage this course being taken weekly for 4 – 8 weeks. We can be flexible and schedule the course to fit with your schedule.
The course will carry Voice Study Centre and Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL) accreditation. You will need to devise an assessment.
Who can apply to deliver the course?
Anyone with a strong CV and a proven track record.
What should I include in the application?
- Your CV. We are looking for credibility, experience and marketability.
- Letter of application detailing the syllabus with concrete examples of how you would evidence and resource the course. Examples of some resources would be useful. As you will be training trainers, attendees must leave the course feeling confident in their delivery.
- Timeframe proposal. We are flexible and we are looking to provide high-quality provision.
- Fee
- Any other relevant information
Please send your application to:
Posted 17th April 2024
Lecturer opportunity: £40 - £45,000 pro rata
Part-time 0.8, remote or hybrid working.
We are looking for qualified lecturers to deliver a range of modules on our MA Voice Pedagogy.
You will work with our Canvas VLE for the duration of the module, actively engaging with the students to create a responsive teacher presence. The course operates remotely, and our postgraduate students have busy schedules with demanding professional roles. They require flexibility whilst at the same time needing a sense of community and group cohesion.
We offer a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning, fusing group tutorials, visiting live lecturers, and one-to-one supervision. Your responsibilities include:
- Providing group tutorials to enable all students to sign up and connect in small groups.
- Hosting and chairing visiting lecturers.
- Teaching material relevant to the module within your area of specialism.
- Provide guidance to students on all matters relating to the module. Examples include:
- Assisting with the design of a research question.- Signposting relevant materials/research areas.- Marking a draft excerpt in accordance with our regulations.- Mentoring, encouraging and stimulating ideas, either one-to-one or within a group setting.
- Assess the assignments through Turnitin and collaborate with the rest of the VSC team.
- Assist the team in other relevant work, workload permitting.
If you're interested in this exciting role, please contact with a copy of your CV and a cover letter.
Posted 21st February 2024
Experienced, highly qualified SEN tutor/s required £40.00 per hour
We are seeking flexible SEN tutors to work online with our postgraduate students. You must be educated to Masters level with a qualification specialising in SEN. You will need an advanced understanding of neurodiversity and know how to tailor one-to-one support to the needs of the individual. We are a postgraduate centre specialising in voice pedagogy. Many of our entrants require formal recognition of their neurodiversity. We access a rapid evaluation through the transformative education platform ‘doit,’ enabling tailor-made individual support where necessary. Our student population is diverse, remote, and many are international with busy professional lives. We are seeking online tutors who can schedule around hectic timetables and work remotely with our student populace.
If you're interested, please email your CV to