Carolyn Andrews is an independent speech and language therapist and senior teaching fellow at the University of Strathclyde. With 25 years’ clinical experience she specialises in adult voice problems and adult stammering, and enjoys walking alongside her clients and students to build their knowledge, practice and voice use.
Carolyn first got curious about the voice listening to Top of the Pops in the 1980s and believes being able to communicate is integral to who we are. Passionate about allowing all voices to be heard, she is keen to dispel myths around societal expectations of conversation and instead foster an accepting, nurturing environment in which we thrive as communicators.
Skilled at translating complicated theory into accessible knowledge for clients and students alike, Carolyn is author of Navigating Voice Disorders: around the larynx in 50 tips, a ‘go to’ resource for student and newly qualified speech and language therapists. With enjoyment of introducing unfamiliar topics to new audiences, she brings insight from clinical experience and members of the stammering community to her workshops.
Past Short Courses

Tuesday 11th June 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Stammering: vocal hindrance or vocal liberator?

Carolyn Andrews
This session will present what stammering is (and isn’t), link the approach-avoidance conflict with performance anxiety and consider what it means to be fluent. The potential physical and emotional struggle contained within the stammering experience is acknowledged alongside opportunities to view stammering through alternative, more supportive lenses, with opportunity to consider what you might do in your practice as a stammering ally.