Voice Study Centre Lecturer Accepted For VSR Publication
Wednesday 2nd November 2022We are pleased to announce that Voice Study Centre Lecturer, Sophie Scott, has been accepted for publication in The Voice and Speech Review (VSR)!
Insights, Considerations, and Suggestions for the Practitioner-Researcher in Voice Studies
This article provides a first insight to practitioner-research for the vocal pedagogue interested in exploring their practice from a scientific perspective.
It is intended to contribute to a growing field of methodological academic support for the voice practitioner interested in expanding their knowledge and skillset via research means.
It acknowledges the ever-growing need for research-based practice in pedagogy – both freelance and institutional – and recognition of the rigor–relevance debate.
The article then takes the reader through the process of refining research methodology suitable for a, likely, qualitatively based project.
In doing this, a variety of paradigms, methodologies and methods are considered.
Other lenses are explored as a framework within which to examine narrative data. Ethics and obstacles related to insider-research are examined, including the pros and cons of participant observation.
The value of interdisciplinary collaboration is discussed, and the benefits of the practitioner-researcher’s experiential and practical expertise is promoted, particularly regarding reflective practice.
Congratulations, Sophie!
Voice and Speech Review
The VSR (Voice and Speech Review) is the official publication of VASTA (Voice and Speech Trainers Association) and is published by Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group...