Short Courses & Events

Inside, Outside, Side-to-Side: Cultivating Presence through Movement in Trauma-Informed Voice Care

Tuesday 10th September 2024, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (London Time)

£30 - UK £30 - International

When working with singers/clients that present with heightened emotional and physical reactivity, it is critical to have scope-of-practice appropriate tools that can cultivate presence for co-learning and connection. This workshop will briefly review the six principles of trauma-informed care and their relationship with movement as a present-moment anchor. We will define the concepts of interception, exteroception, and dual awareness and explore playful somatic practices that can be incorporated into clinical sessions or voice lessons.

Singing is a highly interoceptive event. We frequently cue singers to track the internal sensations of breath, vibration, and emotion. Although interoception is a critical skill, for individuals who have experienced chronic or traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression, the question “how does this feel” may lead to more overwhelm. Conversely, when locked in patterns of exteroceptive hyper vigilance, it can become difficult to explore outside surroundings. External safety scanning can manifest as a “deer in headlights” or high activation freeze state.

For singers living in constant hyper or hypo-arousal, paying constant attention to internal sensation may feel confusing, obsessive, or disconnecting. In these moments, it may be helpful to mindfully pivot between internal noticing (breath moving in the nose/the torso; vibration, emotions, etc.) and external noticing (moving the feet, legs, or hands; listening to sounds; fixing our gaze on a particular spot, etc). Can we become aware of two things happening at one time?

This process of dual awareness, or pendulation, not only provides present-moment orientation, but teaches us that we are capable of creating multiple possibilities. Pivoting between outside and inside creates opportunities for individuals to notice internal and external awareness without becoming overwhelmed in either perception, allowing individuals to build capacity for sensory awareness at their own pace.

In addition to this “inside-outside” inquiry, one of the most impactful and innate ways to connect with our internal and external environment is movement. Bi-lateral and side-to-side movements have demonstrated particular efficacy in unifying both hemispheres of the brain and creating a sense of grounding— especially for bodies impacted by debilitating levels of stress.

Connection is the bedrock of creativity. When we contextualize somatic practices like movement and dual awareness through a trauma-informed lens, we create space for complexity, honour dignity, and co learn with our clients from a place of curiosity rather than assumption.

🏷️ Price £30 (UK VAT inclusive)
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📜 Certificate of attendance available

Megan Durham

Megan Durham (she/her), serves on the voice faculty at the University of Louisville and works as a singing voice specialist.

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