Cynthia Vaughn is a respected teacher/clinician, author, and performer with over forty years of experience, currently based in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. She taught at universities (Colorado State University, Cedarville College) for a decade, and founded and directed a multi-teacher studio for fourteen years. Nearly half of her teaching career, however, has been as a private studio teacher, establishing and running independent voice studios as a sole proprietor. Her clients include professional performers, voice teachers, recording artists, and community singers. Her online students currently join her from the US, Canada, and Portugal.
Cynthia is a frequent invited clinician and guest adjudicator presenting national and international masterclasses and workshops via travel or Zoom. In 2021 she was one of five invited Master Teachers for National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) prestigious Intern Program for Early Career Professionals.
As an author, Cynthia Vaughn is best known as the co-author (with the late Meribeth Dayme) of The Singing Book, a leading group voice textbook and song anthology 2004 to present for university group voice classes, independent studio group voice, and beginning adult singers. The new 4th edition with editor Matthew Hoch, was released in 2024 by Rowman & Littlefield/Bloomsbury and NATS Books. Cynthia Vaughn is Associate Editor for "Independent Voices" for NATS Inter Nos e-magazine, curating articles by and for independent voice teachers.
Upcoming Short Courses

Tuesday 25th February 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Getting Down to Business: Exploring Business Structures that Provide Creative Flow

Cynthia Vaughn
Unlike other fields of study, no license, apprenticeship, certificates, degrees, or minimum requirements are needed to establish yourself as an independent “professional” voice teacher. That means that anyone can teach singing. And they do. Your goal is to stand out from the crowds and build your studio or creative business with knowledge, integrity, intention, and business acumen.