Course Reviews

Course Reviews
Course Review: Reconsidering Traditional Tactics: Respiration, Placement, SOVTEs, and the Master-Apprentice Model with Brian Manternach

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 20th September 2023Associate professor, research associate and private voice teacher Brian Manternach split his two-hour course into four different areas of focus and aimed to offer new perspectives on some traditional techniques.
Course Reviews
Course Review: Vocal Fry and its Application to Singing Voice Training with John Nix

Voice Study Centre
Friday 15th September 2023What is 'vocal fry'? University of Texas Professor of Voice and Voice Pedagogy John Nix began his two-hour short course by answering this very question. It is perceptually defined as the lowest vocal register for males and females, with a frequency of below 70 Hz (Keidar, 1983).
Course Reviews
Course Review: An Exploration of Belting with Amanda Flynn

Voice Study Centre
Friday 1st September 2023Amanda Flynn’s ‘Exploration of Belting’ began by exploring the history of belting, how no one single person created the sound, and how the origin of the word is hard to track down. Broadway performer Ethel Merman was possibly the first to be termed a ‘belter’, however...
Course Reviews
Course Review: Gesture and Movement in the Voice Lesson and Beyond with Dr Julia Nafisi

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 31st August 2023Dr Julia Nafisi began her presentation on Gesture and Movement (GM) by breaking down singing into three components: voice (instrument), ear (control) and music (purpose). She talked through the notions of teaching and learning and how they relate to knowledge and skill...
Course Reviews
Course Review: Progressive Vocal Development in the Voice Studio: An Evidence-Based Framework with Josh Glasner

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 30th August 2023Baritone singer, researcher and Assistant Professor of Music at Clarke University Josh Glasner led a discussion around building an evidence-based framework for progressive vocal development, starting with encouraging participants to engage with the format and share their goals for the session.
Course Reviews
Course Review: Beyond the Mechanics: Vocal Injury Prevention & Performance Optimization with Jennie Morton

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 23rd August 2023Osteopath, author and performance coach Jennie Morton began her vocal injury prevention course by introducing the context of her background as a West End performer and the lead singer of a 20-piece swing band and how poor advice from treatment professionals during that time ignited her desire to...
Course Reviews
Course Review: Theatre's Best Kept Secret: An Introduction to The Meisner Technique

Voice Study Centre
Friday 18th August 2023Founder of The London Meisner Company Robyn Paterson delivered an insightful and interesting masterclass on the Meisner Technique, fusing entertaining anecdotes with foundational information and practical tips.
Course Reviews
Course Review: Trauma-Informed Voice Care with Dr Geneva Mayne

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 16th August 2023Dr Geneva Mayne’s course on ‘Trauma-Informed Voice Care’ was inspired both by her own background (diagnosed with muscle tension dysphonia in 2016) and by her research (on associations between trauma, discrimination and voice disorders) carried out during her doctoral studies in speech-language pathology at Kean University.
Course Reviews
Course Review: Vocal Rehabilitation with a Multi-Disciplinary Team: The Strength of Collaboration in the Successful Remediation of Voice with Margaret Baroody

Voice Study Centre
Friday 11th August 2023Highly respected singing teacher and Singing Voice Specialist Margaret Baroody delivered a fascinating presentation on vocal rehabilitation starting with a discussion around what the term ‘Singing Voice Specialist’ means and its relevance in the context of vocal injuries and medical licensing.