Short Courses & Events / Archive

Bitchin’ Pitchin’: Teaching the ‘tone-deaf’ singer

Thursday 29th August 2024, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (London Time)

This course will dig deep into why some singers struggle to match pitch and how voice teachers can help them develop this skill.

Many beginner singers identify as ‘tone-deaf’ but Amusia only affects around 3% of the population (significantly less than the percentage who struggle to sing in tune). For most poor-pitch singers there are underlying neurological reasons for their struggles. In this course, the neurological processes that must co-ordinate in order for someone to match pitch successfully will be reviewed. These include accurate pitch interpretation, pitch production, internal feedback evaluation and, crucially, pitch translation and the involvement of memory within this sensorimotor loop.

A variety of strategies that can be used to enhance a singer’s pitch accuracy will be shared and demonstrated so that course attendees will leave feeling better equipped to recognise the potential causes of a singer’s pitch inaccuracy and have a list of strategies they can draw from in order to guide singers to accuracy.

🏷️ Price £30 (UK VAT inclusive)
🎥 Recording automatically sent to all who book (even if you cannot attend live)
▶️ Rewatch as many times as you like
📜 Certificate of attendance available

Heather Baker

Heather Baker is a Contemporary Voice Teacher based in the North of England and a Founding Director of the Institute for Vocal Advancement (IVA), delivering global training to voice teachers.

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Attend this course for as little as £22 as part of the Voice Professional Training CPD Award Scheme.

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We have plenty of upcoming short courses coming soon. See details of some of them below or look at the full list of short courses.

Inside, Outside, Side-to-Side: Cultivating Presence through Movement in  Trauma-Informed Voice Care
Tuesday 10th September 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Inside, Outside, Side-to-Side: Cultivating Presence through Movement in Trauma-Informed Voice Care

Megan Durham

When working with singers/clients that present with heightened emotional and physical reactivity, it is critical to have scope-of-practice appropriate tools that can cultivate presence for co-learning and connection.

Exploring the Fullness of Singing and Teaching Experiences Using Indigenist Research Paradigms
Thursday 12th September 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Exploring the Fullness of Singing and Teaching Experiences Using Indigenist Research Paradigms

Emily Bender

This presentation will discuss the principles of Indigenist research paradigms, Emily's experience of using them in her own voice pedagogy research, and the power of using a wholistic, relational paradigm to build understanding of music, singing and teaching.

The Estill Voice Model©: Research behind Jo Estill’s paradigm shift in voice training and treatment
Tuesday 17th September 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

The Estill Voice Model©: Research behind Jo Estill’s paradigm shift in voice training and treatment

Kim Steinhauer

This presentation will highlight scientific research and clinical evidence for using Estill Voice Training® exercises to train and treat all voices, from the novice speaker to the expert performer.