Brain, Movement, and Song
Thursday 4th March 2021, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (London Time)
This workshop will provide a gross overview of brain anatomy with a focus on how the brain controls movement, and the voice in particular.
Motivating case
- Meet the Chimpanzees: Viki and Washoe
- Why can Apes use sing language, but not speak or sing?
- Is there something special about the way that the human brain controls the voice?
Gross brain primer
- The four lobes
- Grey matter vs white matter
- Networks
Neuroscience of movement
- Primary motor cortex
- Somatotopy
- Descending motor pathways
- Movement from electrical stimulation
- Paresis from damage, e.g., stroke
- Cortico-striatal loop
- Functions
- Executing motor plans
- Learning new motor plans
- Anatomical components & their connections
- Supplementary Motor Area
- Basal Ganglia
- Thalamus
- Relevant disorders
- Parkinson’s disease
- Huntington’s disease
- Functions
- Cortico-Cerebellar Loop
- Functions
- Correcting movement errors
- Sensory feedback
- Anatomical components
- Cerebellum
- Thalamus
- Functions
- An example from Dance: fMRI Tango!
- Lead with your cortico-striatal loop
- Follow with your cortico-cerebellar loop
Neuroscience of song
- Specialisation for voice motor control
- Uniqueness to humans
- Electrical stimulation & Lesions
- Brain imaging studies
- Song
- Speech
- Emotions
- Avian song production system
- Analogy with human primary motor cortex
- Avian song learning system
- Analogy with human cortico-striatal loop
- Brain imaging evidence
- Vocal imitation fMRI
- Humans share a motor system with other mammals
- But with some voice specialisation
- Similar specialisation also appear in songbirds
Dr Michel Belyk
Dr Michel Belyk is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Edge Hill University. He studies the human voice, all the things that it says, and how it is able to say them.
Sorry, this is an archived short course...
We have plenty of upcoming short courses coming soon. See details of some of them below or look at the full list of short courses.

Thursday 13th March 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Are kids just young adults? Paediatric voice disorders, anatomy, and physiology

Dr. Rita Patel
Are children simply young adults when it comes to their voice? This short course will dive deep into paediatric voice disorders, exploring the key anatomical and physiological differences between children’s vocal development and that of adults. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders in children.

Tuesday 18th March 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday 25th March 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday 1st April 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
(London Time)
Empowering Your Personal Brand and Expressing Identity: Practical Strategies for Voice Professionals

Joshua Lee-Cummins
This three-week course provides voice professionals with a structured and interactive approach to defining their identity, connecting with their audience, and implementing small but impactful changes to enhance their practice.

Tuesday 18th March 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Understanding Muscle Physiology: Towards an Applied Framework for Singing Voice Training and Rehabilitation

Dr. Mary Sandage
If singers are vocal athletes, then muscle physiology considerations should be part of our training and rehabilitation programs. A web search for guidance to train up for a 5k will yield millions of hits, while strength and conditioning requirements for recital preparation yields very little.