Short Courses & Events / Archive

May the Ease Be with You: Taming Tension and Performance Anxiety with Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement

Thursday 28th September 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (London Time)

A dynamic performance requires a fine balance between excited energy and calm control. Performance anxiety generally manifests itself as tension because we feel over-matched, under-prepared or somehow threatened by the situation. We instinctively try harder and only succeed in increasing the tension in areas that are already too tight. Such a vicious cycle causes the performer to focus on his or her short-comings and only on what is “wrong” rather than the bigger picture of what is “right”.

For the performer, being “in the flow” is a heady sensation, one of such freedom and ease that it is almost as if someone else was singing. All too often, however, this elevation to the “flow state” is elusive, inaccessible, blocked and impeded by barriers which range from the psychological to the physical. One of the biggest culprits is “negative” physical tension.

Tension is necessary to life; without tonus (muscle tension), we cannot stand, sit, or even breathe. Problems arise when tension is excessive, misplaced, or insufficient, causing extra effort and blockage.

Named after its discoverer, Moshe Feldenkrais, the Feldenkrais Method is a self-discovery process using movement. Its aim is to produce an individual organized to perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. The movements are simple, gentle, exploratory, and fun; they are usually repeated a number of times to clarify and enhance performance.

The Feldenkrais Method is one approach which can help a performer to focus appropriate attention to physical cues via kinesthetic awareness, thereby offsetting negative attention on feelings of inadequacy. It can alleviate or even eradicate such negative tension, thereby enhancing “ease of flow”. This workshop is designed to lead participants through “modular” Feldenkrais work, thus helping calm the nervous system without loss of performance energy.

Complete Workshop Description:

  1. A brief review/introduction to the Feldenkrais Method
  2. “Pre-test”: short group vocal warmup and individual tension identification: Dr. Blades leads the participants through a series of brief, simple vocal exercises designed to a) warm up the voice and, b) give the participants kinesthetic feel and sense of the vocal instrument before a Feldenkrais lesson. Individuals are asked to identify awareness of any areas in which undue negative tension seems to impede vocal freedom. Participants are then guided through selected, short Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons.
  3. “Post-test” with Dr. Blades: group vocalization and individual reports of any changes, especially in the “pre-test” areas.
  4. Individual assessments: Volunteers from the group receive Feldenkrais work specific to “blocked” or impeded areas. The number of individuals included is flexible according to time restrictions.
  5. Questions/answers
🏷️ Price £30 (UK VAT inclusive)
🎥 Recording automatically sent to all who book (even if you cannot attend live)
▶️ Rewatch as many times as you like
📜 Certificate of attendance available

Elizabeth Blades

Elizabeth Blades holds both Doctor of Musical Arts and Masters of Music Degrees from the
Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY...

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Attend this course for as little as £22 as part of the Voice Professional Training CPD Award Scheme.

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That’s What He Said: Gender Inequity in Sound Perception Research
Tuesday 30th July 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

That’s What He Said: Gender Inequity in Sound Perception Research

Kristen Murdaugh

This course will detail the historical roots of gender inequity and bias in sound perception research, contrast that against present day research methods, and explore cutting-edge research that highlights the many roles that gender may play in sound perception, as well as in singing, and why those roles may impact research outcomes.

Stretching for the singer: Moving beyond routines
Thursday 1st August 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Stretching for the singer: Moving beyond routines

Walt Fritz

Exercises and stretches for the singer/performer can easily be found online, many of which seem to conflict with or contradict others. Does this dilemma make one model wrong or another model better? Join me as we unpack these and other issues.

Habilitation for the Aging Avocational Singer
Tuesday 6th August 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Habilitation for the Aging Avocational Singer

Dann Mitton

Join us to enhance your skills as a voice teacher and make a meaningful impact on the lives of aging singers. Equip yourself with the expertise to support their vocal journey and ensure they continue to enjoy singing with confidence and joy.