Short Courses & Events / Archive

The Brain, Music, And Optimal Performance

Thursday 2nd March 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (London Time)

This clear yet delightfully quick-paced introduction to cognitive neuroscience for the voice studio nimbly weaves together discoveries in neuroscience with the experience of vocal artistry to show how singing can be viewed as a perception-action cycle.

From the outset, practical-application exercises demystify how the conscious mind integrates with unconscious sensory and motor processes to unleash our body’s intelligence to produce optimal and even peak performance in the expressive and artistic endeavor we know as singing.

Through this further expansion of voice science and pedagogy into the field of cognitive neuroscience, singers learn to take charge, to mindfully integrate their audio-motor intentions with expert motor response.

The teacher becomes equipped to better understand optimal flow of information, where disruption may occur, and how to guide the student in setting the right goal for the task of the moment — to get the thinking right.

Dr Karen Leigh-Post

Karen Leigh-Post, Voice Department Chair, and Professor of Music at Lawrence University is internationally recognized as a pioneer...

CPD Course Logo

Attend this course for as little as £22 as part of the Voice Professional Training CPD Award Scheme.

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We have plenty of upcoming short courses coming soon. See details of some of them below or look at the full list of short courses.

Empowering Your Personal Brand and Expressing Identity: Practical Strategies for Voice Professionals
Tuesday 18th March 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday 25th March 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday 1st April 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
(London Time)

Empowering Your Personal Brand and Expressing Identity: Practical Strategies for Voice Professionals

Joshua Lee-Cummins

This three-week course provides voice professionals with a structured and interactive approach to defining their identity, connecting with their audience, and implementing small but impactful changes to enhance their practice.

Female Musical Theatre Belting in the 21st Century
Tuesday 1st April 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Female Musical Theatre Belting in the 21st Century

Dr. Christianne Roll

In the almost 100 years since the origin of the female musical theatre belt voice, the sound has become almost synonymous with Broadway itself, and has continued to develop and evolve, based on the storytelling needs of the musical theatre artform...

Tongue Tie: The Hidden Limitation Destroying Singers’ Technique, Progress, and Potential
Thursday 3rd April 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Thursday 17th April 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Tongue Tie: The Hidden Limitation Destroying Singers’ Technique, Progress, and Potential

Jessica Luffey

It holds true that improving vocal technique creates better sound and vocal freedom. But what if I told you there’s a hidden physical issue preventing some singers from progressing—one that most pedagogues, teachers, and even medical professionals are unaware of…?