Bridget Sweet is Professor of Music Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
She wrote the books Growing Musicians: Teaching Music in Middle School and Beyond (2016) and Thinking Outside the Voice Box: Adolescent Voice Change in Music Education (2019); she co-edited the book Motherhood in the Music Education Academy (2025).
Her research interests include middle level choral music education, [assigned at birth] female and male adolescent voice change, musician health and wellness, intersections of LGBTQ+ topics and the music classroom, as well as intersections of motherhood and academia. She is a Licensed Body Mapping Educator through the Association for Body Mapping Education.
Past Short Courses

Wednesday 15th January 2025
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
(London Time)
Thinking Outside the Voice Box: Adolescent Female Voice Change

Dr Bridget Sweet
The purpose of this course is to bring attention to the adolescent [assigned at birth] female changing voice and to encourage new and holistic ways of thinking about female voices.

Thursday 20th April 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Body Mapping: Balance and Breathing

Dr Bridget Sweet
During the first hour (BALANCE), we will explore our six places of balance to find freedom and dynamic buoyancy in movement. During the second hour (BREATHING), we will accurately map breathing structures to promote more efficient and effective breathing.

Thursday 17th November 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Supporting Trans And Gender Expansive Voices In The Music Classroom

Dr Bridget Sweet
During this session, we will consider terminology surrounding the vocal mechanism, gender identification, sexual identity, and voice change. Perspectives from trans and gender-expansive musicians will be shared via multiple media sources. Practical teaching strategies and considerations for repertoire will also be discussed.