Natalie Eastwood qualified as a speech and language therapist from Sheffield University and has over 18 years of experience working with voice and swallowing disorders. She is currently the Clinical Lead in Voice at Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust. Natalie works as part of the ENT department at The Freeman Hospital, assessing and managing complex voice, swallowing and upper airway disorders secondary to respiratory and benign ENT disorders in both adult and paediatric caseloads.
Since taking on her role at the Freeman Hospital in 2016, Natalie has focused on service development, including SLT-led voice clinics, the specialist multidisciplinary vocal rehabilitation clinic and an intervention clinic for office-based laryngology. In addition to this, Natalie is a guest lecturer at the University of Newcastle, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate SLT students the voice component of the Motor Speech Disorders module; she is also a member of the Newcastle Voice Conference faculty.
Past Short Courses

Thursday 22nd June 2023
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 23rd June 2023
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
(London Time)
In-person event - Speech Therapy For Performers: Through The Endoscopic Lens

Pippa Anderson

Natalie Eastwood

Benjamin Cosway
(+ 1 more hosts)
Hosted by: The Elite Performer’s Clinic at Freeman Hospital in Newcastle & the Voice Study Centre, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Thursday 2nd December 2021
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
(London Time)
Staying In Lane: Exploring The Boundary Line Between Teaching Singing And Therapeutic Practice

Kate Cubley

Pippa Anderson

Natalie Eastwood
(+ 5 more hosts)
Our open-access symposium will explore the ethical codes of teaching singing and engaging in therapeutic practice. It will form the first of a series of symposia examining the tensions between teaching/coaching and therapy.