Short Courses & Events / Archive

Staying In Lane: Exploring The Boundary Line Between Teaching Singing And Therapeutic Practice

Thursday 2nd December 2021, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (London Time)

Our open-access symposium will explore the ethical codes of teaching singing and engaging in therapeutic practice. It will form the first of a series of symposia examining the tensions between teaching/coaching and therapy. With a focus on vocal health and hearing, this conference will evaluate the ethical issues faced regularly by the singing profession.

The event will be conducted online via Zoom:

2nd December 2021 from 2-4pm GMT.

The symposium intends to explore the ethical codes of teaching singing and caring for voices. The intended audience will be singing teachers, choir leaders, performance coaches, researchers and SLTs specialising in voice.

The intended Learning Objectives will be to:

  • Discuss the existing ethical codes for Singing Teachers including safeguarding
  • Examine the shifting nature of the boundary line
  • Question how (and why) you can maintain good ethical standing in your own work
  • Examine the impact of a multi-disciplinary team


2:00pm               Welcome

2:05pm               The Mary Seacole Research Centre

2:10pm               Facilitator: Kate Cubley

2:15pm               Teaching Ear to Hear: Vocal Instructors hearing health awareness with  Yvonne Gonzal-Redman

2:25pm               Key Note: Optimising the voice teacher’s role on the voice team with Julia Gerhard (CCC, SLP, DMA)

2:40pm               The Multi-disciplinary Team for Vocal Health: what is the singing teacher’s role? with Jenevora Williams (PhD)

2:50pm               The role of the vocal rehabilitation coach: ethical principles and considerations with Pippa Anderson (VRC – The Freeman Hospital) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎and Natalie Eastwood (Clinical Lead – The Freeman Hospital)

3:00pm               Key Note: The Clinical Singing Voice Specialist: A Hybrid Profession with Leda Scearce (MM, MS, CCC-SLP)

3:15pm               Let Me Guess: why perceptual evaluation of vocal injuries isn’t enough with Melanie Tapson (BFA, BEd, MSc SLP (C) CCC-SLP Reg CASLPO)

3:25pm               Group Discussion

3:55pm               Conclusion

4:00pm               End

Kate Cubley

Kate Cubley (BA (Hons), MA) is an advanced level Voice Coach, Singing Teacher, singer and researcher working predominantly from her private studio in Cheshire...

Pippa Anderson

Pippa Anderson holds an Mlitt (Master of Letters) in Music, and is also a senior lecturer and vocal health consultant for the musical theatre programme at Leeds Conservatoire and Clinical Vocal Rehabilitation Specialist at Freeman Hospital.


Natalie Eastwood

Natalie Eastwood qualified as a speech and language therapist from Sheffield University and has over 18 years of experience working with voice and swallowing...

Leda Scearce

Soprano Leda Scearce has been featured in leading roles with the National Opera Company, Hawaii Opera Theatre, Long Leaf Opera Festival, Triangle Opera...

Julia Gerhard

Julia Gerhard is a speech pathologist and singer with a passion for interdisciplinary voice education and voice rehabilitation. She earned a doctorate in musical arts...

Dr Jenevora Williams

Dr Jenevora Williams is a leading exponent in the field of vocal health and singing teaching. After a successful career in Opera, Jenevora turned her attention...

Yvonne Gonzales-Redman

Yvonne Gonzales Redman joined the University of Illinois Fall of 2008 as an Associate Professor andteaches a variety of students majoring in music education...

Melanie Tapson

Melanie Tapson is a professional singer, Singing Voice Specialist, and speech-language pathologist whose practice specializes in voice assessment and therapy...

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We have plenty of upcoming short courses coming soon. See details of some of them below or look at the full list of short courses.

 Facilitating Jaw Release Through Improved Habits of Stance and Alignment
Thursday 6th February 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

Facilitating Jaw Release Through Improved Habits of Stance and Alignment

Ruth Williams Hennessy

In this interactive workshop, participants assess their current habits of postural stance and dental occlusion and learn techniques to facilitate and maintain jaw release.

Empowering Teachers to Manage Music Performance Anxiety within Teaching Studios: From Understanding to Strategy Development
Tuesday 11th February 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(London Time)

Empowering Teachers to Manage Music Performance Anxiety within Teaching Studios: From Understanding to Strategy Development

Isabella Mazzarolo

Music performance anxiety is a significant challenge faced by musicians of all ages and skill levels. This interactive course provides music practitioners with an understanding of performance anxiety, while also offering practical strategies to help musicians manage it.

The Acoustics of Choir Singing
Thursday 13th February 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)

The Acoustics of Choir Singing

Sten Ternström

When many people are singing together in a room, a number of phenomena present themselves that beg for a scientific inquiry. What can knowledge of acoustics do to help the singer and the conductor?