News / Student & Alumni News

2024 Graduates Collaborate at ISME Conference in Finland

Friday 16th August 2024

We were delighted to hear that 2024 graduates Heather Baker, Samyukta Ranganathan, Emily Bender, and Jenna Brown, recently presented their research at the ISME (International Society for Music Education) conference in Helsinki, Finland. They each presented individually on their own topics and also conducted a group seminar discussing the different (non-linear) research methodologies they used in their voice research projects.

It’s wonderful to see our alumni’s ongoing contributions to the field of voice education!


Samyukta Ranganathan

Samyukta is an award-winning singer of Indian Classical Music (ICM) with an active teaching and performance career in New York City.

Emily Bender

Emily Bender is a community-based voice teacher, singer and choral director based in the San Francisco Bay Area who works with diverse students of all ages in lessons, classes, and choirs.

Jenna Brown

Jenna Brown is a mezzo-soprano performing as a soloist in concert and recital, as well as in choirs. She teaches singers of all ages 1:1 and in groups, working as teacher, vocal coach and conductor.

Heather Baker

Heather Baker is a Contemporary Voice Teacher based in the North of England and a Founding Director of the Institute for Vocal Advancement (IVA), delivering global training to voice teachers.

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