Living At The Centre Of Your Potential As A Vocalist: Finding Our Place In The Vocal Practice Eco-System
Thursday 15th June 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (London Time)
What does it mean to be a vocal practitioner in today’s world?
Join this dynamic workshop, where we will use a range of thinking tools to consider our potential and place in the vocal practice eco-system.
Drawing on ideas from philosophy, psychology, leadership development and research into mental models, this workshop will explore how we perceive ourselves and our practice in the many contexts we work in.
We will reflect on the experience of working alone, of working with groups, of bringing our practice to challenging settings and more.
We know that singing is essential to people, especially during challenging times, and we will consider how we can best anchor our authentic selves in and through our vocal practice, whilst adapting to changing circumstances, spotting potential opportunities, creating meaningful work and helping to develop the field.
As a vocalist or singing teacher/leader, you are always in growth and on the move, and this session will help you develop your capacity in a whole new light, harnessing the powerful connection between mind, body, spirit, heart and brain.
Katherine Zeserson
Katherine Zeserson is a musician (vocalist, choir leader, arranger, composer), coach, facilitator and strategic thinker with over 40 years’ experience in vocal performance, community music, music education and arts leadership.

Attend this course for as little as £22 as part of the Voice Professional Training CPD Award Scheme.
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Thursday 6th February 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Facilitating Jaw Release Through Improved Habits of Stance and Alignment

Ruth Williams Hennessy
In this interactive workshop, participants assess their current habits of postural stance and dental occlusion and learn techniques to facilitate and maintain jaw release.

Tuesday 11th February 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(London Time)
Empowering Teachers to Manage Music Performance Anxiety within Teaching Studios: From Understanding to Strategy Development

Isabella Mazzarolo
Music performance anxiety is a significant challenge faced by musicians of all ages and skill levels. This interactive course provides music practitioners with an understanding of performance anxiety, while also offering practical strategies to help musicians manage it.

Thursday 13th February 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
The Acoustics of Choir Singing

Sten Ternström
When many people are singing together in a room, a number of phenomena present themselves that beg for a scientific inquiry. What can knowledge of acoustics do to help the singer and the conductor?