Student & Alumni News

Student & Alumni News

MA Student Invited To Present At The MARCH Mental Health Network For Singing And Mental Health

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 14th November 2019

We are delighted to announce that Emily Foulkes, our first bursary student has been invited to present at the MARCH Mental Health Network at Snape Maltings for Singing and Mental Health.

Student & Alumni News

Voice Study Centre's MA Student Jai Ramage On VocalScope Podacast

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 30th October 2019

Check out our amazing student, Jai Ramage, being interviewed by Juliette Caton on her VocalScope podcast.

Student & Alumni News

MA Student Presents Work At Voice Clinic Forum

Voice Study Centre
Tuesday 29th October 2019

We are delighted that one of our MA students, Sharon Mari, presented her Work Based Learning project at the Voice Clinic Forum.

Student & Alumni News

MA Student’s Work Hits National Press

Voice Study Centre
Sunday 27th October 2019

A massive congratulations to our MA student Emily Foulkes who gained national press recently regarding her research into alleviating long term pain through singing.

Student & Alumni News

MA Student Invited To Eurovision Judge!

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 14th March 2019

A big well done to one of our MA students, Jai Ramage, for being selected to represent the UK on the judge’s panel for Eurovision this year! We’re so proud of you!

Student & Alumni News

MA Students Win 1st & 2nd Prize!

Voice Study Centre
Monday 1st October 2018

Voice Study Centre MA Voice Pedagogy students Kate Cubley and Juliet Russell were awarded first and second prize for their academic posters at the “Towards Best Practice: Teaching Singing in Higher Education” conference at the University of West London.