Foulkes, E. (2021) “An exploration into online singing and mindfulness during the covid-19 pandemic for people with anxiety and/or depression,” International Journal of Community Music, 14(2), pp. 295–310. doi: 10.1386/ijcm_00049_1.
Emily gained a Distinction in her Master’s in Voice Pedagogy, specialising in Singing for Mental Health, Pain Management, and Trauma-Informed Practice. Her pioneering work within this field led her to establish the Signing for Health Network, attracting National funding to sustain and build the initiative. With a clear mission statement to bridge the gap between theory and practice, Emily has drawn together leading academics and practitioners to engage in knowledge dissemination and research.
Emily has presented at several conferences and events, including the BVA, Voice Geek conference, the MARCH Network, and the Spheres of Singing conference. She was also invited to peer review for the World Health Organisation (WHO). Emily’s recent research Exploring Online singing and Mindfulness for Mental Health is published in the peer-reviewed International Journal for Community Music.
She is a trainer for Trauma-Informed Schools UK and is the Director of Music for Good, a music for well-being charity based in Cornwall. In her work in Cornwall, Emily is a practitioner for the Music Education Hub, Primary Healthcare (Social Prescribing), and local hospital.
She has delivered training/workshops for Cornwall Music Education Hub, Arts & Health South West, Sing for Pleasure, Voice Study Centre, ArtsLink (West Midlands), Trinity Laban (London), NYMAZ (for Music Education Hub leads in Yorkshire), Sing Space and for the Centre for Child Mental Health (London).
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Student & Alumni News
Congratulations To Our MA Students!

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 22nd January 2020Our fantastic MA students have just completed their final projects and have received amazing results.
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MA Student Invited To Present At The MARCH Mental Health Network For Singing And Mental Health

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 14th November 2019We are delighted to announce that Emily Foulkes, our first bursary student has been invited to present at the MARCH Mental Health Network at Snape Maltings for Singing and Mental Health.
Student & Alumni News
MA Student’s Work Hits National Press

Voice Study Centre
Sunday 27th October 2019A massive congratulations to our MA student Emily Foulkes who gained national press recently regarding her research into alleviating long term pain through singing.
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Wednesday 6th April 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
(London Time)
Singing And Covid/Long Covid

Emily Foulkes
This session will explore some of the research surrounding the wider impacts of Covid and Long Covid.

Wednesday 9th March 2022
12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(London Time)
Trauma And Mental Health Awareness Course For Singing Teachers/Practitioners

Emily Foulkes
This is for teachers who would like to gain an overview of the theory and some ideas for practical application, to move their practice towards being trauma and mental health aware.

Thursday 4th November 2021
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
(London Time)
From Stage to Sage Research Hub

Debbie Winter

Dr Motje Wolf

Teresa Shaw
(+ 2 more hosts)
We are opening our doors again with our Research Hub where you can listen to an inspiring talk by Dr. Motje Wolf and discuss your research ideas. If you are new to research, you can learn about some core concepts and envisage ways to engage and contribute to the community of practice.