
Course Reviews
Course Review: Vocal Fry and its Application to Singing Voice Training with John Nix

Voice Study Centre
Friday 15th September 2023What is 'vocal fry'? University of Texas Professor of Voice and Voice Pedagogy John Nix began his two-hour short course by answering this very question. It is perceptually defined as the lowest vocal register for males and females, with a frequency of below 70 Hz (Keidar, 1983).
Study Tips and Guides
Study Tip: Don't Be So Hard On Yourself

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 14th September 2023Students often find themselves under immense pressure to excel academically, socially, and personally. This pressure can sometimes lead to students being overly critical of themselves and losing sight of the joy that should accompany the pursuit of knowledge. If you feel like you have lost your mojo a little, here are some tips:
Student & Alumni News
MA Voice Pedagogy student and alumni to present at the BVA’s ‘Beyond the Boundaries for the Amplified Vocalist’ event

Voice Study Centre
Sunday 10th September 2023Current student Abi Simpson and alumni Nicole Gill and Jamie Read have each been chosen to present at the British Voice Association's event in October 2023!
Student & Alumni News
MA Voice Pedagogy alumna to be published in AmSAT Journal

Voice Study Centre
Saturday 9th September 2023Michele’s article – ‘Whispered Vowels for Singers: A Discussion and Exploration’ – examines current research in conjunction with multiple pedagogical perspectives to explore the ‘whispered “ah”’ (a traditional Alexander Technique procedure) from a singer-centric perspective.
Director & Team News
VSC Senior Lecturer Sophie Scott published on Psyche website

Voice Study Centre
Monday 4th September 2023Our very own Senior Lecturer Sophie Scott has had her ‘How to find your voice’ Guide published on the digital magazine website Psyche!
Course Reviews
Course Review: An Exploration of Belting with Amanda Flynn

Voice Study Centre
Friday 1st September 2023Amanda Flynn’s ‘Exploration of Belting’ began by exploring the history of belting, how no one single person created the sound, and how the origin of the word is hard to track down. Broadway performer Ethel Merman was possibly the first to be termed a ‘belter’, however...
Course Reviews
Course Review: Gesture and Movement in the Voice Lesson and Beyond with Dr Julia Nafisi

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 31st August 2023Dr Julia Nafisi began her presentation on Gesture and Movement (GM) by breaking down singing into three components: voice (instrument), ear (control) and music (purpose). She talked through the notions of teaching and learning and how they relate to knowledge and skill...
Course Reviews
Course Review: Progressive Vocal Development in the Voice Studio: An Evidence-Based Framework with Josh Glasner

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 30th August 2023Baritone singer, researcher and Assistant Professor of Music at Clarke University Josh Glasner led a discussion around building an evidence-based framework for progressive vocal development, starting with encouraging participants to engage with the format and share their goals for the session.
Boosting Academic Writing Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

Pippa Anderson
Thursday 24th August 2023Staying focused and maintaining consistent productivity while writing research papers can be challenging. This is where the Pomodoro Technique comes into play, offering a structured approach to enhance your academic writing process.