Course Reviews

Course Review: Case Reflections: Diagnosis and Treatment of 4 Professional Performers Attending a Specialist SLT-Led Performers’ Voice Clinic at a Tertiary Level London Hospital with Tori Burnay

Voice Study Centre
Friday 14th July 2023

This fascinating short course began with Tori giving an overview of her job role and the South London Voice, Airway & Swallow Centre (SOLVAS) team in which she works. She talked through the function of the Voice Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and the aim of an SLT intervention, and made her intro very relevant to singers and performers despite SLTs’ primary focus usually being on the speaking voice.

Course Reviews

Course Review: Dynamic Coordination: Posture through an Alexander Technique Lens with Michele Capalbo

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 12th July 2023

Michele Capalbo’s hour-long short course explored both common and alternative postural models for singers, taking into account the Alexander Technique (AT), and provided some practical approaches to ‘discovering a dynamic, efficient balance’.

Student & Alumni News

MA Voice Pedagogy alumna Gökçe Kutsal to present at ISPS 2023

Voice Study Centre
Monday 10th July 2023

It gives us great pleasure to announce that recent MA Voice Pedagogy graduate Gökçe Kutsal has been chosen to present a paper at the biennial International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS) 2023, which will be hosted by the Medical University of Warsaw and the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Poland from 17th-20th August.


MA Voice Pedagogy student raises over £2,000 for local hospital charity

Voice Study Centre
Saturday 8th July 2023

We are very proud to report that choir leader and current MA Voice Pedagogy student Sarah Summers recently raised £2,002 for her local hospital's charity, Brighter Futures, through the ‘Sing Out for a Brighter Future' fundraiser event in Swindon, Wiltshire!

Course Reviews

Course Review: The Diaphragm in Voice: A Touch-Based Approach with Walt Fritz

Voice Study Centre
Friday 7th July 2023

Physical therapist and MA Voice Pedagogy student Walt Fritz’s two-hour short course explored the effectiveness of manual therapy in treating diaphragm-related issues as well as strategies for improving awareness and strength.

Course Reviews

Course Review: Singing as Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise with Hayley Williams

Voice Study Centre
Thursday 6th July 2023

Hayley Williams’ pregnancy and postpartum lecture sought to create a singing method to educate and rehabilitate pregnant and postpartum women.

Student & Alumni News

Congratulations to our 2023 MA Voice Pedagogy graduates!

Voice Study Centre
Tuesday 4th July 2023

We’re so delighted to announce the graduation of our MA Professional Practice Voice Pedagogy degree course at yesterday’s ceremony at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Course Reviews

Course Review: Training the Passaggi of Classical Genre Voices with Ken Bozeman

Voice Study Centre
Friday 30th June 2023

Ken Bozeman’s classical passaggi short course began by discussing acoustic and laryngeal vocal registers and the two primary register transition zones (passaggi) – lower and higher – with a focus on the lower passaggio.


Our In-Person Courses Have Influenced Professional Practice!

Voice Study Centre
Wednesday 28th June 2023

From the 21st to the 23rd of June, we hosted two in-person events in Newcastle, UK. We are pleased that both events were met with very positive reviews! Including feedback that attendees have already used their newly-informed knowledge to shape their professional practices.